Apr 29, 2021
Travis Johnson
Host of the Nonprofit Architect Podcast
Travis shares his perspective as the former Vice President of Books
by Vets; a board member at the S.H.I.N.E. foundation; he’s donated
over $30,000; volunteered over 1,500 hours; raised more than
$500,000; helped start 6 nonprofits; event coordinator; and
published author.
Travis is currently serving as an active-duty officer in the United
States Navy, married with two children, and on move #50. His humble
beginnings include 36 moves before graduating high school at 17, 6
states, 5 foster homes, and surviving 2 murder attempts. Although
this was very rough, there was always a person, group, or church
willing to help him and his family. Now that he’s in a position to
give back, he’s made it his mission to “Help the Helpers”.
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